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Listed November 15, 2024
Category Other
Status Fully Developed Website
Visitors 1,000 (daily)
Page Views 0 (daily)
Income $0.00 per month
Expenses $0.00 per month
Asking Price $4,990.00

Web solution for the website owner to quickly accept online orders for services that can be done remotely and to pass them to the service providers who will do the real work without knowing who the customers are.

The website is configurable through the second domain, All the entries on the main website ( can be configured for offering any services/products. Right now the main site ( takes orders for video editing services - opens a project for each coming customer (customer provides an email; a dashboard is created for this particular project; a generated password to enter the dashboard is emailed to the customer; the customer can submit project raw files and the brief). The second domain ( is used by the admin/owner to manage all the projects (direct chat with the customer; providing payment method to the customer; choosing and assigning a service provider to the project; direct chat with the service provider). The second domain ( is also used by the service provider (login to the project based on the project ID; direct chat with the website owner; download the customer's material and the brief uploaded; upload the final product to the dashboard for the customer).

As mentioned above, the site is already customizable and can be configured for any business that collects online orders for services, passes the raw material and the requirements from the customer to the service provider of choice, and then passes the final product from the service provider to the customer.

The items that are not configurable on the website can be easily changed in the website code for the new owner (we can do that).

We want to sell only the website code, keeping the business/domains. Those who buy it can use it in any way they want for their businesses, but cannot resell it.


The information contained in this listing has been provided by the seller and has not been verified by WebsiteBroker. We make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. It is your responsibility to independently confirm its accuracy and completeness - including, but not limited to, ownership of any website or domain listed here. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the website to determine to your satisfaction the suitability of the website for your needs.

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